Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rally Success!

Honor Q'd!!! I'm so proud of her, and very excited and eager for the December show. We have good time to practice before then, and I'm hoping to make the most of it.

Nike is also shaping up super-well as a Rally dog. He has extreme natural aptitude in the sport, performing excellent call fronts and finishes on the first try! I'm hoping that Nike will enjoy Obedience as well as Rally.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Still preparing for the trial...

I'm driving myself insane. The trial is still three days away, and I'm as jittery as if it were tomorrow morning! Honor and I went to practice in Petsmart tonight, and she did pretty well. All of a sudden we have a problem with forging, though, and I hope it won't show up during the trial.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Preparing for our first trial...

Today, Honor and I will be proofing her rally obedience work at Petsmart and around the neighborhood. Our first Rally trial is on Saturday, with the possibility of getting two Q's!

Here's some recent pictures of Honor and Nike: