Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Videos!

New videos! I had fun playing with my camera.

Nike Rally Practice:

Eli Rally Practice:

Honor Window Fun:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

First leg to UKC Rally title...check!

Woohoo! One leg down, two to go! Honor is now the proud recipient of her first qualifying score (86) in UKC Rally. URO1, here she comes!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

UKC Rally Tomorrow...

Honor and I have our first UKC Rally trial tomorrow. For some reason, I'm a little nervous. And I know that I'm Honor's biggest detriment in the ring. When I get nervous, she picks up on it, and ends out focusing on other things rather than Rally. I keep trying to tell myself that she Q'd in this exact same venue on a longer APDT Rally course, so there's nothing to worry about. Hopefully tomorrow will bring Honor her first two legs toward URO1!

In anticipation of the trial, we've been practicing. Yesterday we did outside work, and here's how it went:

Sunday, March 1, 2009