Saturday, August 1, 2009

What are the dogs up to?

Now that Nikki has completed a very smooth transition into the pack, it's time to identify what the dogs should do next! Defining goals helps keep me motivated, and the dogs just love training!

- Honor will continue to trial towards her RL1x (Rally Level 1 Championship). This will keep her engaged in Rally, as well as start to solidify for us whether she would enjoy moving on to Level 2. I'm also considering having her begin weight pull training.

- Nike is currently in training for Rally and Obedience. Nike will continue training for both, focusing on Recall Over Jump and Stand For Exam.

- Eli has one more leg needed to receive his URO1, which he will hopefully Q for at October's show. At this point, he's been showing me a newly found love of heelwork, so at this point I'm leaning toward Obedience for Eli. BUT, I truly believe he will love weight pull, so I'm going forward with that as well. It's time to buy concrete blocks!

- Nikki is definitely focused on one thing...becoming a therapy dog. As soon as she has a reliable recall, heel, and down, Nikki will try her paw at obtaining her CGC/TDI certification.

It's good to keep busy!