Friday, October 15, 2010

Eli's Agility Class

Woohoo!  Eli got permission to move up a level in classes at the agility club!  Now that he's got good weaves and control, we're good to go!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Eli's First CPE Trial!

Eli and I had our first CPE trial on Saturday October 2nd, and wow, was it awesome!  It was wonderful how relaxed and supportive everyone was.  And Eli finally looked as calm and focused as he usually is in class!

We started out with a REALLY solid standard run except for a blown contact.  Contacts are usually Eli's strongest point, so it was a bit of a surprise.  But everything else was there, and great connection!

Jackpot was the HIGHLIGHT of the day.  Eli was on fire, listening well and following directions.  His contacts were back up, and garnered us the highest point gamble you could get.  This run got him 1st place, with 57 points, the 2nd highest of all Level 1 dogs!

Wildcard was his second Q of the day, and although he did a good job and got 2nd place, you could tell he was getting tired.  He did the opposite wildcard I asked on the first two, and made me sweat it out, HOPING he would hit the right wildcard at the end!  Luckily, it was a spread jump (which he loves), and Eli had his second Q!

He has his next CPE trial on October 23-24th.  Hopefully it will go well!