Monday, November 14, 2011

AKK at Gateway

I've finally gotten around to writing my experience at Gateway!

For me, Gateway Nationals was so much more incredible than I even imagined.  Several big dreams came true, and I cannot accurately express how proud I am of my dogs.

Gateway was so much fun because I got to meet a lot of AKK breeders and owners.  I couldn’t believe how many AKK were shown, and what an amazing group of dogs.  I had brought Summer as a CH, and Honor as an ALCH.  I couldn’t wait to see what Summer could do, and Honor was on the verge of her ALGRCH and was doing agility as well! 

Purina Farms was so much bigger than I anticipated, and it was wonderful to have seven conformation rings, agility, and rally, and still have plenty of room for vendors and seating.  All the AKK exhibitors gathered around our first ring, ready to go.  Before I knew it, the champion class was ready to go in, and Summer made her CH debut.  To my surprise and pleasure, Summer ended out receiving an Award of Merit.  This was such an honor against so many champions!  Still high from Summer’s AOM, I got Honor ready to go for altered.  This was the moment, the big cheese, the ultimate…if Honor won this ALCH class, she would be an Altered Grand Champion.  Not just the first AKK ALGRCH, but the UKC’s first ALGRCH as well.  Honor showed beautifully, going around and stacking with ease.  Totally on edge, I held my breath as the judge asked us to go around for the last time.  As he pointed to her, I almost wanted to scream.  My Honor, an Altered Grand Champion!  I didn’t think the day could get any better, but it could.  Honor went on to win Best of Breed and Group 2 in Show 1.  Then Show 2 began, and an exciting repeat of Show 1 happened.  Summer AOM, Honor BoB and Group 2!  Totally thrilled with the day, Honor and I went over the agility ring for her FIRST agility trial.  She was being so sassy and ridiculous before the run, I’ll admit she made me nervous.  What was my fast and wild dog going to do?  The answer is she was going to do a great job. J  Honor qualified in both agility runs, gaining two out of the three Qs she needed for her UAG1 (United Agility 1 title).  What a day!

Saturday turned out to be one of the most exciting show days in my life.   Summer went into the rings on fire, and won the champion class in both shows!  She ended out winning Best of Breed in Show 2, which was an incredible moment.  For those who know Summer, she used to be a shy little thing.  No longer, she was a totally different and confident dog in the rings that Saturday.  Honor ended out winning breed twice, and got two more Group 2s.  She also sealed the deal on her UAG1, and got her third and final Q! 

Later on that evening, I had the pleasure of being able to chat with some of the AKK people.   The raffle setup looked amazing, and there seemed to be a lot of people supporting and buying tickets!  I was also staggered by the nice gift boxes that different Klee Kai people from around the country sent in for various winners in the Specialty.  The Specialty was well run, and it was so nice to get a lesson from Judge Richard Yates before the Specialty began.  He explained what he looks for in the breed, and gave showmanship tips and techniques.  With all of the exhibitors extra prepared, the Specialty began.  With Summer’s success earlier in the day, I couldn’t help but feel hopeful that she would have a shot at the champion class.  She showed the best she had all day, and I couldn’t’ help but feel that win or not, I was so proud of her.  To my shock and delight, Summer was awarded the CH class.  As I prepared to go in for Best of Breed, I was filled with nerves and excitement.  The judge sent us all through our paces again, and prepared to send us on the final go around.  The order hadn’t changed, but I couldn’t help but hold my breath anyways.  It was like the world slowed down on that final pacing, and as he raised his hand to point at Summer everything just flew away.  I scrambled to pick up Summer, to hug her, my amazing amazing dog who worked so hard for me.  I didn’t even realize I had started crying, and I vaguely remember so many people congratulating me and being so supportive.  It was truly an amazing moment.  Then I was reminded that I still needed to show Honor, and I pulled myself together to present Honor in the AGLRCH ring.  She ended out winning against another Grand Champion, and as we went in for Altered Best of Breed, I couldn’t believe that we had a chance to do this twice tonight.  And as the judge pointed to Honor, I couldn’t contain myself again.  What a night, my two special girls win the Specialty!

Sunday turned out to be special again, as Summer went reserve champion in both shows, and Honor won Best of Breed and two Group 1s!  As I waited for Best in Show, I found myself getting nervous, as the other altered dogs were all so nice!  But Honor showed me I had nothing to worry about, and showed the finest she had all weekend.  The judges both loved her woo-ing, and she stacked with a fire.  As if the weekend couldn’t get any better, more tears piled up as Honor won Altered Reserve Best in Show for BOTH shows! 

What a wonderful weekend.  While the winning is always awesome, the best part had to be how supportive the AKK community was.  Everyone had such nice things to say, and there were always congratulations and words of encouragement going around.  I can’t wait to go to Gateway next year!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Agility Class 8.25.11

Week 2 for Shiva's first agility class! She truly blew me away this session, working off leash for a good portion of it and being really engaged! She was the demo dog for her group, which is amazing considering she's so young!  We worked on crosses and working away from me.  She LOVES tunnels, and finally got the weaves! We're going to be using the channel weaves, and she really enjoys driving through them!

Honor had a really wonderful night. We worked on closing her weaves, and she got to try out the AKC dogwalk, which she LOVED.  I enjoy how fast she is, and eager to work!

Nike had an awesome night too! He nailed a right angle off-side entry into the weaves, and then drove through amazingly.  He's getting more comfortable with our male instructor too!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Agility 8.18.11

First night of agility for Shiva!! I was SO nervous about bringing her, as I so desperately hoped she would enjoy herself! And she did, impressing me with her sheer fearlessness. She took on the metal teeter with no problem, and loved the dog walk! She did a closed chute, and made a great impression on everyone!

Honor was the big wonderful surprise of the night though! I was a bit nervous, as she can be a little unpredictable, but she performed the intermediate course beautifully! We need to begin our work on sending her, as she's got great speed, and we can capitalize on that if I can send her instead of running with her. We did aframe and tunnel sends in the second try that worked well, but tried a bit too far of a send to the frame the third try and she pulled off. But great progress!

Nike was his normal, wonderful, consistent self. He was outstanding on the mostly jumpers course in Int II, and got some nice compliments from the rest of the class! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer's Training Day 1-3

One of Karen's pups "Summer" is spending some time with Dan and I in order to work on her conformation training and confidence.  She's already made exceptional progress in just the 2.5 days she's been here.

Summer's First Days Here

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nike's First Agility Trial

It was finally here, Nike's first agility trial!  I went in to it more nervous than I expected...not because I didn't think he could do it, but nervous for HIM.  He loved being in class, in run thrus...would it carry over to a trial??

It did. :)

Nike exceeded my wildest expectations, and went 4/4 this weekend with a 190 and THREE 200s!  First place, 2 second places, and a third place!!!  He looked happy and confident, and I couldn't be prouder!!!

Premier 2011

Now that we've all had time to decompress, the Premier results!

Nikki had a fantastic weekend and walked away with 2 BoBs, a Group 1 and Group 3.  She showed like a dream, and special thanks to Marian Campbell for giving Nikki her Group 1!

Honor had a great weekend as well, winning the CH class 3 times bringing her within one leg of her ALGRCH!  She took BoB the last day, and although not a group placer, she showed well!

Nike qualified the first day in rally with a 90!  Unfortunately, he didn't Q the two subsequent days, as the wind and noise proved to be too much for him.

Shiva had a great weekend, getting her first rally Q and winning the CH class on Saturday giving her the Total Dog Award!  I'm very proud of her, as she's only a year old!  She took a Northern Total Dog Group 2 to boot!  Very proud of the happy diva!

Can't wait until next year!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Shiva's Dumbbell Work

Recently started playing with the dumbbell with Shiva, and she's doing really well!  In two sessions, she's now taking it on command and holding it for a few seconds.  Good girl!  I love how she's totally rewarded by tugging.  It's neat having a toy-driven dog!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Shiva and Nikki are exhausted after spending the afternoon at Karen's! They had such a good time!
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Monday, March 28, 2011

Shiva's Rally Practice

Shiva and I took advantage of the sunny weather today, and did some rally outside! She did very well, especially considering the neighbor's dogs were out and barking at her the whole time. She had good heeling, and good stay walkarounds. She's still a little OOP on her fronts sometimes, but since she is operational under more distracting conditions, she can definitely see more criteria for the fronts and finishes! She also did off leash work, and had two really nice turn and call to heels, the farthest being 10 feet away! I love how hard she works! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I've decided I have given up on finding food that Shiva likes. The only thing she loves are satin balls, and since she needs to gain weight she'll be getting those for a while. It's just a little frustrating to buy her every food available, and to have her NOT eat. And then buy prey model raw and have her grudgingly eat 1 meal (and no amount of prep changes her mind) and then refuse it. Then to say fine, we'll just go back to kibble! And have her eat CUPS and cups of it. At least she's eating, but I can't keep up. She'll just have to eat when she feels like it I guess. :-/ BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Friday, March 18, 2011

Eli 3.17.11 Agility Class

Eli had a night of great runs. He's moving with better understanding and is very quick as always! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nike 3.17.11 Agility Class

Nike finished another great class! He showed remarkable improvement in terms of working around other people and instructors, and even went through the window jump with one of the instructors on the other side! He's already starting to get some distance, especially where tunnel entries are concerned and I hope he continues to progress!

He also did the competition teeter, albeit cautiously but he did it!
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nike and the Teeter

It's amazing how things change! Nike's most feared obstacle, the teeter, is now his best contact! I can't believe how much he's turned things around, and is offering a beautiful 2o2o! I couldn't be prouder.