Friday, August 26, 2011

Agility Class 8.25.11

Week 2 for Shiva's first agility class! She truly blew me away this session, working off leash for a good portion of it and being really engaged! She was the demo dog for her group, which is amazing considering she's so young!  We worked on crosses and working away from me.  She LOVES tunnels, and finally got the weaves! We're going to be using the channel weaves, and she really enjoys driving through them!

Honor had a really wonderful night. We worked on closing her weaves, and she got to try out the AKC dogwalk, which she LOVED.  I enjoy how fast she is, and eager to work!

Nike had an awesome night too! He nailed a right angle off-side entry into the weaves, and then drove through amazingly.  He's getting more comfortable with our male instructor too!

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